Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alien bird skull

Another DSG topic on's Daily Sketch Group.

They've been pleasantly regular these days.

I had loads of fun just working away on this. It's stormy & wet out, so I'm home in-front of the fire painting away. This got a little more time and love than I usually might spend on a DSG thing, but it was lots of fun working around the 'fusing' points of a skull, and coming up with all the different shapes.

I also straight up like looking at skulls of all kinds.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blizzard Miner lead up

The 'Blizzard Miner' from the previous post took a few goes to get right.

Here's one of the images before I had considered the robot or the dudes. I just like the colors myself. It's sort of similar, but I thought wasn't blizzardy enough to meet the criteria of the DSG topic.

Blizzard Miner

Another one for the Daily Sketch Group on It's a great place for challenging yourself with different ideas! Not to mention the other people's entries are often pretty damn insane.

I also used this tutorial to help myself out a little.

Also, this one's a little bit of a milestone for myself. Everything but the snow was done on the same (background) layer. I chose to abandon the endeavor for the blizzard effect as it made way more sense to just use the "motion blur" filter for that :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mirror's Edge Concept Art

So I finished the game again, and took the time to check out some of the concept artwork on the disk.

My God is it amazing. So I went ahead and tracked down a Rapidshare link from someone kind enough to upload it all. I found the the link in this thread, and the direct download for all that wonderful Mirror's Edge artwork is right here.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Something different: Inspired by Mirrors Edge

I've been spending far too much time with my Xbox 360, and one of the biggest reasons is Mirror's Edge.

Some of the paintings throughout the game are pretty eye-catching and fun. Here's a forum thread with the lot. The direct download is here.

And here's a painting inspired by some of that wonderful art. Heavily inspired. Done for kicks, as always :)

He Grants Wishes

After a bit of an impromptu hiatus, here we are! Apologies for that, College, Christmas, and video games took priority.

Been Enjoying Mass Effect 2 & Cataclysm. I'm surprised I can stop long enough to go to the bathroom.

I made this for the Daily Sketch Group.